The North Grove helps Dartmouth North prep for municipal election
This Thursday, The North Grove is launching an eight-week campaign to increase community awareness and participation in the upcoming municipal election. A slate of weekly Speak Up! Show Up! events is planned (see attached), starting with a Voter Information Session this Thursday and culminating in Voter Pop-up events on October 14, 16 and 17.
The first Speak Up! Show Up! campaign was held in 2016 during the municipal by-election in Dartmouth North. Voter turnout more than tripled - from 2.7% to 7.45% - after the first campaign, and similar events have been held for every election, at all government levels, ever since.
The first event, a Voter Information session, is being led by Colin Cooper from Elections Nova Scotia and will cover everything Dartmouth North residents need to know about the electoral process and registering to vote.
Voter Information Session
Thursday, August 22nd
1:30 – 3:00 PM
The North Grove, 6 Primrose St.
“We want community members to know their voices matter,” says Wendy Fraser, Executive Director at The North Grove. “Our goal with the campaign is to make voting easier and more accessible. Dartmouth North has recently changed electoral districts, and community members will be getting to know new candidates for both district councillor and mayor.”
Other campaign activities include a Countdown to Election Day, Elections Trivia, and a Voter Pop-up where participants will cast a vote for one of three meal options for a community meal served the following week.
The Speak Up! Show Up! campaign activities are organized by The North Grove’s Community Action Office, including Peer Advocates who help connect people with services and resources and organize opportunities to act on issues that matter locally.
Community members can speak with a Peer Advocate at The North Grove’s Drop-in Breakfast on Wednesdays or Drop-in Cafe on Thursdays. Contact the Community Action Office by calling 902 464 8234 ext 1019.